Blessed Kristinn Hrafnsson keeping thanks to the open letter. In my home country is customary to answer letters are even open. What do I do now but I'm not conducting correspondence with you afterwards. <br><br>It makes me comfortable surprise of your letter appears may employ you have any interest in the evidence is clear. It is also good to confirm in the letter that e-mail has been hand-picked as I argued. We do not have to share it. <br><br>Samherji examination of the data published by Wikileaks revealed that only 42% were published by John Stefansson emails from the period 2014-2016. Upon closer examination, it was found that the ratio was much lower, approximately 30%. Thus, it appears 50 thousand emails have been released. <br><br>Christian, you say in your letter to me:<br><br>"I also took the decision to let sift out emails and documents that I considered it unnecessary to publish, addressing, among other things quite personal issues current and former employees Samherji information such as remuneration, work with detailed information, scanned passport and more the like. The idea that this was the consideration of the General Staff of the company that I'm sure most of them are honorable people. "<br><br>I thought this validation very interesting because I do not get better than that this approach is contrary to procedures that Wikileaks has had a policy to display data and allow the public to evaluate them. So that letter a number of questions. Who read and selected emails by Wikileaks? There were reporters and Broadcasting moment? Were these journalists choose emails that fit with the story that was supposed to say? I game since curiosity to know Christ, if you yourself have set up value judgments about what employees are Samherji honor dear and honest and who is not? It would be interesting to know how it was conducted. <br><br>Since it is of interest that you not seem to have followed what you said about personal issues of employees Samherji the inside of Wikileaks is now a wealth of information that have no connection to the activities in Namibia. <br><br>Validation of the e-mails were hand selected and that Wikileaks has been assisted by journalists with sieving them has to be food for thought for those who believe that the presentation of reports on the activities Samherji in Namibia have been careful and objective account of the facts. I venture that questioned whether this approach, the hand-picked data to support a one-sided account, consistent with the responsibilities and duties of a journalist's. I was always believing that reporters search for the truth would be guided in their work. It was perhaps a misunderstanding with me. <br><br>I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. <br><br>Yours sincerely <br><br>Björgólfur Jóhannsson, Executive Director of Samherji