All things being equal there is little probability of capelin fishing this winter, "said in a statement the Federation in fisheries. <br><br>Organizations in the fishing industry have issued a statement which stated that no ship has still kept the capelin.<br><br>"The authorities do not have sufficient ships to hire needed for search and they intend to not take advantage of another option, though they are offered; it is negotiating with the parties to carry out part of the project. Such an arrangement, however, is well known. All things being equal are not the probability of capelin in the winter, "says the notice and also to" Complacency government must be considered rather grim; for companies that have invested in vessels, equipment and marketing for billion for fishermen and their families, the local community and for all. <br><br>It states further:<br><br>Strong marine research is a prerequisite for marine resource is used sustainably, thus contributing to economic prosperity. In recent years, the importance of marine scientific research increased significantly, partly due to changes in the environment and the sea. In addition, international buyers requires that fishing nations fishing of wild fish are supported by detailed and impartial trials. <br><br>Measurements based on fuzzy HCR are difficult to implement and require heavy ship time, provided the weather here the land shifty and unpredictable capelin. Now, however, as a result the government has only disposal a marine research vessel Árni Fridriksson. Based on the requirements of the applicable rule does provide for capelin, it is sufficient that ship alone, not to achieve a comprehensive measurement so that the likelihood of the capelin quota will be issued. It is necessary to have more ships for the measurement of fuzzy, preferably three to four. <br><br>"Unfortunately, it seems this context, the government covered, although the value of capelin tens of billion a year. In the eyes of the government are marine research costs, but not the principles of value creation. This misunderstanding may prove dýrkeyptur, "says the conclusion of the notification.