Note: The letters DIS after a name below indicate that the airman survived the incident in Ireland but died/was killed in a later wartime incident, either accident or by enemy action.
County (Near)
September 3, 1939 "Short S.25 Sunderland I more test" L2158 none RAF MAEE Dublin Skerries 0 - "S/Ldr Montague Cecil COLLINS 24124 Crew not yet determined"
Arrived off shore at approx 1.25pm, pilot came ashore. Aircraft left at 4:45 in the company of L7252. Not in difficulty. Aircraft later crashed in 1942. Pilot name determined from London Gaette and London Times papers, only matching name and rank. Names of remaining crew members not yet known.
[Refs: MA File G2/X/1224, a/c serial number quoted; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.11;IMA #B1 ; Robertson p.108; ABS gives MAEE. Photo McCarron p.15
September 3, 1939 Saro A.36 Lerwick I L7252 BN-? RAF Saunders Roe, Air Ministry Delivery Pool Dublin Dun Laoghaire and later Skerries 0 - "F/O David Kynvin BANKS 37077
Crew not yet determined."
Arrived at Skerries at 3:40 pm and left in the company of L2158 at 4:45. Off course due to bad weather. Names of remaining crew members not yet known. Aircraft history card shows it not assigned to a Squadron until taken on by 209 Sqn in February 1941 after time with 4 MU.
[Ref: MA File G2/X/1224, serial number quoted; RAF Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.11;IMA #B2 & #B1(Incorrectly I/d as Sunderland); Robertson p.111, ABS says Manufacturer then 209 Sqn, NOT 240 Sqn; Flypast Feb 1987 gives these as Sunderland and implies two aircraft, Note McNeill p.108. Photo McCarron p.15; Pilot found in LG; IWM have interview with him #27250; ORB not clear on cat.]
September 14, 1939 Short S.25 Sunderland I N9023 Unknown RAF 228 Sqn Kerry Ventry Bay 0 6 "F/Lt Edward John BROOKS 37378
Sgt Leslie Charles Major HALE 522295 DIS
Sgt 'Yosser' HUGHES
LAC Edward James HEWERDINE 566884 DIS
Arrive with a damaged hydraulic line, was repaired and left later that day. Aircraft later crashed in 1941 in Iceland.
[Refs: PJ Cummins article Ireland Eye, Sept. 2005 and Evans, "Help From Heaven", p.18; Both supplied kindly by PJ Cummins;AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.12; WRGI website; IMA #B3 but gives 19/09/1939; Robertson p.140; ABS agrees, crashed 1941 with 204 Sqn; Ref: AIR 27/1412, Brooks and Hale names assumed as they served later with 228 Sqn and likely fit the bill. Hewerdine died in 1942 win the in the Duke of Kent crash. Also likely Hale lost his life Nov 1940; ORB AIR 27/1412]
April 19, 1940 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley ERROR N/A RAF N/A Cork Off Fastnet Rock 0 0 Error
This is mentioned in D MacCarron's listing in Wings over Ireland but is an error, see Same date 1942; Not on IMA list, RAFCom forum April 04
May 16, 1940 Handley Page H.P.52 Hampden I L4045 EA-Q RAF 49 Sqn., Scampton, Lincs Kildare Curragh 0 4 "Sgt Thomas Pinckney PRATT 580073 DIS
Sgt Arthur Robert CADMAN 580484 DIS
P/O George Lawlor Bernays HARRIS 41406
Crew lost their bearings returning from raid over German. Aircraft was refueled and allowed to depart.
[Refs: Crew names and details from John Wards Book, Dogs at War.; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; London Gazette checked for Cadman and Harris, also CWGC; MA File ACF-S-036, small detail, serial number quoted; MacCarron p.15 & 143 (gives date 6th May 40);IMA #B4 (gives 16th May); Robertson p.109; ABS confirm, crashed 1941; ref: AIR 50/187 Combat report; T P Pratt would be KIA in Aug 1941 while A R Cadman was KIA in Mar 1944.]
June 23, 1940 Hawker Henley L3319 Unknown RAF 1 ATS Sligo Easky 0 2 Names were not recorded as the crew only spoke breifly with civilians
The aircraft serial was recorded by the Gardai after speaking with people who witnessed the landing. This aircraft was at that time assinged to No. 1 Armaments Training Station. Recorded in the Department of Justice files in the Irish National Archives. There is no Military Archives file. Tony Kearns explained it was on the ground only for a few minutes on the RAF Commands forum.
[Refs: TOCH thread September 2008, M. Gleeson provided the serial number from Irish National Archives data. Mentioned only on IMA #B5.]
August 20, 1940 Focke-Wulf Fw200 C-1 Believed to be Wrk Nm 0015 F8+KH Luftwaffe I/KG40 Kerry Faha Ridge, Mt. Brandon; Beilnaleacan, above, Cloghane Village 0 6 "Oblt. Kurt H MOLLENHAUER (Int)
Ofw. Ronald BEUMER (Int)
Fw. Ludwig WOCHNER (Int)
Uffz. Hans A. BELL (Int)
Gefr. Kurt KYCK (Int)
Reg.Rat. Dr. Erich KRUEGER (Int) "
Crashed in poor weather on the slope above the Grotto on the pilgrims path. They were the first aircrew to be interned during the Emergency. One engine from this aircraft is displayed outside one to of the pubs in Cloghane. The last survivor Kurt Kyck who returned to marry and live in Ireland died in August 2010.
[Refs: Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Irish independent Aug 21 1940; MacCarron p.89 & 143, Dwyer p.24; Quinn p.155 ; IMA #G1; Article on the incident by Gerard O'Regan on his site WRGI Site. Some photos taken by walkers in 1998, at the crash site, external link. I don't know that these parts still exist on the slope.]
September 15, 1940 Dornier Do18D 810 K6-FL Luftwaffe 3/Kflgp406 Wexford In sea off the Saltee Islands 0 3 "Unknown
Crashed in the water during takeoff and the crew were taken away by another Do-18. This aircraft was for a long time thought to have come down in Irish waters but was down in the English Channel. M Gleeson confirmed this within German BA records.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.18/p.125; Quinn p.155; IMA #G2; MacCarron p.143]
September 29, 1940 Heinkel He111P 2822 G1+DT Luftwaffe 8 / III / KG55 Wexford Off coast 5 0 "Oblt. Hans KOHLER +
Fw. Horst BIRKHOLZ +
Uffz. Rudolf FIRCHAU 58246/314 +
Gefr. Franz GÜNTHER +
Fw. Martin LIPPERT +"
This aircraft was shot down by Hurricane P5178 of the RAF (see below).
[Refs: Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Cummins Ch. 4/p.29; IMA #G3, Quinn p.18, Birkholz, Günther and Firchau buried in Glencree (Volksbund site); recorded KG 55 Memorial site, loss records; MacCarron NIL mention, Battle over Britain, Mason - google books]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane X P5177 NV- RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wicklow Off shore, at sea. 1 0 F/O George Charles Boyce PETERS 40593 +
Shot down by return fire from the Luftwaffe flight attacked by the squadron that day. Aircraft seen to crash dive into the sea. Pilots body later washed up at Grange and buried Rathnew cemetery.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.4/29, D'Arcy p.253; Robertson p.142]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane I P3203 NV- RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wexford Off shore, at sea. 0 1 P/O George Hassall NELSON-EDWARDS 74355
Damaged by fire from the Luftwaffe flight attacked by the Squadron that day. Baled out into the Irish Sea but was rescued by passing vessel. No Irish military involvement but included for the record.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.4/29, Robertson p.142]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane X P5178 NV-G RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wexford Ballyvadden 0 1 F/O Paul Francis MAYHEW 74336 (Int)(Esc) DIS
This aircraft had shot down Heinkel He111 2822 G1+DT above. It was salvaged by the Irish Air Corps and sold to the irish government, entering service with the Irish Air Corps as #93.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.4/29; T. Kearns, An Cosantoir, Feb. 1984 - A Trio Of Hurricanes - The first of the Few; London Gazette; CWGC site; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; UK NA AIR50 Combat report; MacCarron p.39 & 143 (Serial No and Sqn. Number (49) & Codes wrong, story mixed with 21/08/41), details correct in W.o.I. ; Dwyer p.33; Quinn p.18; IMA #B6; Robertson p.144 mentions this aircraft to Eire, Mayhew escaped in July 41 but was killed in flying accident in England in February 1942.]
October 1, 1940 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley V N1483 ZA-I RAF 10 Sqn / Leeming Waterford Off shore in Irish Sea 0 5 "F/O Leslie David WOOD 40277
P/O Kenna HUMBY 81059
Sgt. Clive DOUGLAS-BROWNE 581209
Sgt. Ernest Reginald MOUNSEY 641115
This aircraft while returning from a bombing raid on Berlin, over shot its base in England and was forced to ditch in the Irish sea. All crew were rescued by a trawler off Waterford and landed in Holyhead that evening. [
[Refs: Information as provided by M. Gleeson 2008]
01/10/1940 Date ? Focke-Wulf Fw200 Unknown Unknown Luftwaffe Unknown Cork Nr. Castletownbere 0 0 -
This aircraft loss is mentioned on in Quinn, Down in a Free State but no other sources back this up
[Refs: Quinn p.156, claim six men on board.]
October 11, 1940 Dornier Do17Z-3 3475 7T-EK Luftwaffe 2/Kflgp606 Meath Off coast 4 0 "Lt. Horst FELBER 73712/49 +
Oblt. Friedrich-Wilhelm RICHTER 73712/2 +
Gefr. Walter HOPPMANN 73712/48 +
Uffz Eugene WEBER 73552/49 +
This aircraft I understand was shot down by RAF fighters of 611 Squadron while on a raid on Liverpool. The bodies of Felder and Hoppman were washed upon the Irish coast and are now buried in the German war cemetery in Glencree. Oblt. Richter's body was found in the UK coast on November 7th and is burried in Cannock Chase cemetery.
[Refs: Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Quinn p.155; MacCarron p.143, Error in a/c type, not Do172-3);IMA #G4; Felber and Hoppmann buried in Glencree (Volksbund site); NA DFA 241/184; Battle over Britain suggests name may be Juergen Weber]
October 22, 1940 Focke-Wolf Fw200 C-1 24 F8+OK Luftwaffe 2/KG.40 Galway Lost in the Atlantic, bodies found near Clifden 6 0 "Oblt. Theophil SCHULDT +
RegRat. Dr. Johannes (Hans) STURM +
Fw. Walter BERGHAUS +
Fw. Friedr
結果 (
日本語) 1:
Note: The letters DIS after a name below indicate that the airman survived the incident in Ireland but died/was killed in a later wartime incident, either accident or by enemy action.
County (Near)
September 3, 1939 "Short S.25 Sunderland I more test" L2158 none RAF MAEE Dublin Skerries 0 - "S/Ldr Montague Cecil COLLINS 24124 Crew not yet determined"
Arrived off shore at approx 1.25pm, pilot came ashore. Aircraft left at 4:45 in the company of L7252. Not in difficulty. Aircraft later crashed in 1942. Pilot name determined from London Gaette and London Times papers, only matching name and rank. Names of remaining crew members not yet known.
[Refs: MA File G2/X/1224, a/c serial number quoted; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.11;IMA #B1 ; Robertson p.108; ABS gives MAEE. Photo McCarron p.15
September 3, 1939 Saro A.36 Lerwick I L7252 BN-? RAF Saunders Roe, Air Ministry Delivery Pool Dublin Dun Laoghaire and later Skerries 0 - "F/O David Kynvin BANKS 37077
Crew not yet determined."
Arrived at Skerries at 3:40 pm and left in the company of L2158 at 4:45. Off course due to bad weather. Names of remaining crew members not yet known. Aircraft history card shows it not assigned to a Squadron until taken on by 209 Sqn in February 1941 after time with 4 MU.
[Ref: MA File G2/X/1224, serial number quoted; RAF Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.11;IMA #B2 & #B1(Incorrectly I/d as Sunderland); Robertson p.111, ABS says Manufacturer then 209 Sqn, NOT 240 Sqn; Flypast Feb 1987 gives these as Sunderland and implies two aircraft, Note McNeill p.108. Photo McCarron p.15; Pilot found in LG; IWM have interview with him #27250; ORB not clear on cat.]
September 14, 1939 Short S.25 Sunderland I N9023 Unknown RAF 228 Sqn Kerry Ventry Bay 0 6 "F/Lt Edward John BROOKS 37378
Sgt Leslie Charles Major HALE 522295 DIS
Sgt 'Yosser' HUGHES
LAC Edward James HEWERDINE 566884 DIS
Arrive with a damaged hydraulic line, was repaired and left later that day. Aircraft later crashed in 1941 in Iceland.
[Refs: PJ Cummins article Ireland Eye, Sept. 2005 and Evans, "Help From Heaven", p.18; Both supplied kindly by PJ Cummins;AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.12; WRGI website; IMA #B3 but gives 19/09/1939; Robertson p.140; ABS agrees, crashed 1941 with 204 Sqn; Ref: AIR 27/1412, Brooks and Hale names assumed as they served later with 228 Sqn and likely fit the bill. Hewerdine died in 1942 win the in the Duke of Kent crash. Also likely Hale lost his life Nov 1940; ORB AIR 27/1412]
April 19, 1940 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley ERROR N/A RAF N/A Cork Off Fastnet Rock 0 0 Error
This is mentioned in D MacCarron's listing in Wings over Ireland but is an error, see Same date 1942; Not on IMA list, RAFCom forum April 04
May 16, 1940 Handley Page H.P.52 Hampden I L4045 EA-Q RAF 49 Sqn., Scampton, Lincs Kildare Curragh 0 4 "Sgt Thomas Pinckney PRATT 580073 DIS
Sgt Arthur Robert CADMAN 580484 DIS
P/O George Lawlor Bernays HARRIS 41406
Crew lost their bearings returning from raid over German. Aircraft was refueled and allowed to depart.
[Refs: Crew names and details from John Wards Book, Dogs at War.; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; London Gazette checked for Cadman and Harris, also CWGC; MA File ACF-S-036, small detail, serial number quoted; MacCarron p.15 & 143 (gives date 6th May 40);IMA #B4 (gives 16th May); Robertson p.109; ABS confirm, crashed 1941; ref: AIR 50/187 Combat report; T P Pratt would be KIA in Aug 1941 while A R Cadman was KIA in Mar 1944.]
June 23, 1940 Hawker Henley L3319 Unknown RAF 1 ATS Sligo Easky 0 2 Names were not recorded as the crew only spoke breifly with civilians
The aircraft serial was recorded by the Gardai after speaking with people who witnessed the landing. This aircraft was at that time assinged to No. 1 Armaments Training Station. Recorded in the Department of Justice files in the Irish National Archives. There is no Military Archives file. Tony Kearns explained it was on the ground only for a few minutes on the RAF Commands forum.
[Refs: TOCH thread September 2008, M. Gleeson provided the serial number from Irish National Archives data. Mentioned only on IMA #B5.]
August 20, 1940 Focke-Wulf Fw200 C-1 Believed to be Wrk Nm 0015 F8+KH Luftwaffe I/KG40 Kerry Faha Ridge, Mt. Brandon; Beilnaleacan, above, Cloghane Village 0 6 "Oblt. Kurt H MOLLENHAUER (Int)
Ofw. Ronald BEUMER (Int)
Fw. Ludwig WOCHNER (Int)
Uffz. Hans A. BELL (Int)
Gefr. Kurt KYCK (Int)
Reg.Rat. Dr. Erich KRUEGER (Int) "
Crashed in poor weather on the slope above the Grotto on the pilgrims path. They were the first aircrew to be interned during the Emergency. One engine from this aircraft is displayed outside one to of the pubs in Cloghane. The last survivor Kurt Kyck who returned to marry and live in Ireland died in August 2010.
[Refs: Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Irish independent Aug 21 1940; MacCarron p.89 & 143, Dwyer p.24; Quinn p.155 ; IMA #G1; Article on the incident by Gerard O'Regan on his site WRGI Site. Some photos taken by walkers in 1998, at the crash site, external link. I don't know that these parts still exist on the slope.]
September 15, 1940 Dornier Do18D 810 K6-FL Luftwaffe 3/Kflgp406 Wexford In sea off the Saltee Islands 0 3 "Unknown
Crashed in the water during takeoff and the crew were taken away by another Do-18. This aircraft was for a long time thought to have come down in Irish waters but was down in the English Channel. M Gleeson confirmed this within German BA records.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.18/p.125; Quinn p.155; IMA #G2; MacCarron p.143]
September 29, 1940 Heinkel He111P 2822 G1+DT Luftwaffe 8 / III / KG55 Wexford Off coast 5 0 "Oblt. Hans KOHLER +
Fw. Horst BIRKHOLZ +
Uffz. Rudolf FIRCHAU 58246/314 +
Gefr. Franz GÜNTHER +
Fw. Martin LIPPERT +"
This aircraft was shot down by Hurricane P5178 of the RAF (see below).
[Refs: Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Cummins Ch. 4/p.29; IMA #G3, Quinn p.18, Birkholz, Günther and Firchau buried in Glencree (Volksbund site); recorded KG 55 Memorial site, loss records; MacCarron NIL mention, Battle over Britain, Mason - google books]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane X P5177 NV- RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wicklow Off shore, at sea. 1 0 F/O George Charles Boyce PETERS 40593 +
Shot down by return fire from the Luftwaffe flight attacked by the squadron that day. Aircraft seen to crash dive into the sea. Pilots body later washed up at Grange and buried Rathnew cemetery.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.4/29, D'Arcy p.253; Robertson p.142]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane I P3203 NV- RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wexford Off shore, at sea. 0 1 P/O George Hassall NELSON-EDWARDS 74355
Damaged by fire from the Luftwaffe flight attacked by the Squadron that day. Baled out into the Irish Sea but was rescued by passing vessel. No Irish military involvement but included for the record.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.4/29, Robertson p.142]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane X P5178 NV-G RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wexford Ballyvadden 0 1 F/O Paul Francis MAYHEW 74336 (Int)(Esc) DIS
This aircraft had shot down Heinkel He111 2822 G1+DT above. It was salvaged by the Irish Air Corps and sold to the irish government, entering service with the Irish Air Corps as #93.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.4/29; T. Kearns, An Cosantoir, Feb. 1984 - A Trio Of Hurricanes - The first of the Few; London Gazette; CWGC site; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; UK NA AIR50 Combat report; MacCarron p.39 & 143 (Serial No and Sqn. Number (49) & Codes wrong, story mixed with 21/08/41), details correct in W.o.I. ; Dwyer p.33; Quinn p.18; IMA #B6; Robertson p.144 mentions this aircraft to Eire, Mayhew escaped in July 41 but was killed in flying accident in England in February 1942.]
October 1, 1940 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley V N1483 ZA-I RAF 10 Sqn / Leeming Waterford Off shore in Irish Sea 0 5 "F/O Leslie David WOOD 40277
P/O Kenna HUMBY 81059
Sgt. Clive DOUGLAS-BROWNE 581209
Sgt. Ernest Reginald MOUNSEY 641115
This aircraft while returning from a bombing raid on Berlin, over shot its base in England and was forced to ditch in the Irish sea. All crew were rescued by a trawler off Waterford and landed in Holyhead that evening. [
[Refs: Information as provided by M. Gleeson 2008]
01/10/1940 Date ? Focke-Wulf Fw200 Unknown Unknown Luftwaffe Unknown Cork Nr. Castletownbere 0 0 -
This aircraft loss is mentioned on in Quinn, Down in a Free State but no other sources back this up
[Refs: Quinn p.156, claim six men on board.]
October 11, 1940 Dornier Do17Z-3 3475 7T-EK Luftwaffe 2/Kflgp606 Meath Off coast 4 0 "Lt. Horst FELBER 73712/49 +
Oblt. Friedrich-Wilhelm RICHTER 73712/2 +
Gefr. Walter HOPPMANN 73712/48 +
Uffz Eugene WEBER 73552/49 +
This aircraft I understand was shot down by RAF fighters of 611 Squadron while on a raid on Liverpool. The bodies of Felder and Hoppman were washed upon the Irish coast and are now buried in the German war cemetery in Glencree. Oblt. Richter's body was found in the UK coast on November 7th and is burried in Cannock Chase cemetery.
[Refs: Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Quinn p.155; MacCarron p.143, Error in a/c type, not Do172-3);IMA #G4; Felber and Hoppmann buried in Glencree (Volksbund site); NA DFA 241/184; Battle over Britain suggests name may be Juergen Weber]
October 22, 1940 Focke-Wolf Fw200 C-1 24 F8+OK Luftwaffe 2/KG.40 Galway Lost in the Atlantic, bodies found near Clifden 6 0 "Oblt. Theophil SCHULDT +
RegRat. Dr. Johannes (Hans) STURM +
Fw. Walter BERGHAUS +
Fw. Friedr